Sunday 31 October 2010

Digipak Analysis #2

The artist name is Wang Lee Hom. He is an American singer-song writer, actor and a film director based in Taiwan.
The font/lettering is best described as authentic italic, this is because it reflects this genre and style of music as his music are a mixture of traditional Chinese opera, classical orchestra joined with R&B and hip-hop. This represents his area of music and his lifestyle of being brought up in America with a traditional Chinese background.

The physical appearance of the star is represented as a powerful self-fulfilling artist. The pose he is presented in is a self portrait of him. The mid shot angle used in this pose represents Wang Lee Hom as a powerful person; the expression on his face shows seriousness and power with this music. The colours used are red and white which represents fierce and elegant.
The dominant image within the front cover is of Wang Lee Hom as this is the only image on the cover. The image suggests that the album is going include an effect of R&B/Hip-hop genre with the authentic Chinese tradition (based on the front of the writing and the colour red is also a very popular colour used as a celebration or a happy moment in the Chinese tradition.

The title of the album is Lee Hom, yet again this signifies his own personality towards music as this is his first album released. Dominant colours include red and grey. These connote a traditional sense of music with mixture of the two American/Chinese lifestyles. The grey represents his American side as America is most popular for Hip-hop/R&B music and the colour grey represents a deep serious tone, whereas Red is often used and seen in the Chinese traditional as a special occasion, a celebration which therefore is based on his career.

The artist fits into the genre of R&B, Hip-hop, and Pop; this is signified by the design of the cover and the colours used. This artist would appeal to audiences who are Taiwanese as the language is different and those who like the R&B/Hip-hop genre. The cover is appealing to this audience because of the colours and the image used to represent the artist as this would be an appearance of which target audiences would look for as an interest in Lee Hom.

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