Monday 1 November 2010

Magazine Adverts #2

The name of the artist is Manic Street Preachers
This connotes the relation of their background behind their music and theme of Politics. Street Preachers represents preachers to perform on the streets whereas Manic is the insanity, craziness of this. The font/lettering is best described as basic. It is simple black colored font lettering; this can represent the relation behind the image of black and white thoughts, commutating a blank, empty mind with only but simple words to express the advertisement of the album.

The physical appearance of the star is nude. The position of the star is in a moment of the star taking an image with a Polaroid camera. This image can reflect his own image through a mirror which is why the result of the image is blank, or as the band is focused more on the political side, the image taken can be about an influence or an event. The pose of his position is very still and steady of a mid shot which represents a sharp view of his pose. The facial expression expresses focus and concentration which can represent dedication with music perhaps but the costume of him being half nude, this can reflect his comfortability with photography but the star image on this cover is a young man called Tim Roth. By using him on the cover, this represents the political side of the band features as Tim Roth is a member of the British Communist Party who is now a supporter of the Green Party of England and Wales. Through my research behind Tim Roth it has proven that he is a very political person which suits the design of Manic Street Preachers arts and music who is perfect to advertise their music, someone who understands their theme.

The title of the album is Postcards From A Young Man. From research behind the album, it has been told from the magazine, Wire “one last shot at mass communication”, this signifies an invention of the artist Manic Street Preachers to get their views and point across towards society with the society and becoming a balance by creating an album like Postcards From A Young Man, a last chance to success.
A dominant colour includes black and white. These are solid colours to represent bold attention to their album and attract audiences to listen. Black and white are also used to represent a strong hold of passion or determination, therefore along with the use of the two colours into the album advert, this connotes a connection with their lyrics and views as well as their fans as it is not colours needed to stand out but their expression of their music.

The CD is produced by Dave Eringa. This appeals to the audience because it allows audiences to understand and perhaps have support with their own thoughts. The record label is Heavenly Records. This represents their genre and support more highly supported as they are also a London base record company which provides more availability and understanding as Manic Street Preachers are an UK band.
The artist fits into the genre of Indie/Alternative Rock. This is signified by sound and image of the artist and also the structure and format of the album cover. Black and white represents a dull, bold attention and also the image of the artist is in style of the genre. Attitudes and values associated with this genre include strong commitment with political issues along with society.

The target audience for this CD cover is indie/alternative rock listeners and also fans of the Manic Street Preachers. The cover is appealing to this audience because of the main star image of Tim Roth, as audiences would recognize the star and understand the meaning behind the album which would intrigue them onto listening to their music as it includes their interest and type of music genre.

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