Wednesday 17 November 2010

Audience Feedback

The above print shows the audience feedback we've received from posting the video link on Facebook. The range of the received feedback are from young adults/teenagers possibly age between 16-20. The feedback that we had received are both positive and negative with advice and help provided on how to make it better, which is a good opportunity for us to create as an improvement. The improvements required were that the video needed to use a variety of different camera shots such as close ups on the artist, camera movements along with the climate of the song and different angles on the argument scene to show each of their facial expressions whilst arguing. The audience felt confused of the scene of the guy and another girl in the bar talking so therefore we would remove that part of the scene and create a different position for this scene. They all believed the main artist was singing as the lyric syncing was exactly on time with the actual performance of the song. The audience felt that some parts of the video was blurry so therefore the parts that was not very clear will be filmed again into a more focus aspect. Some of the audience had given their own ideas, what they would like to appear in the video such as a kissing scene. Some of the audience wanted to have a change the argument scene, rather than in a house, which to the them seems like a typical setting, to maybe something in the park or a restaurant yet even a station, some place more realistic. However, they had all enjoyed the song. They had also liked how the song and the visuals related so they could understand the song as the narrative performs the lyrics. The most enjoyable, positive outcome the audience noticed while watching was the performance part of the as the syncing was perfect and actually believed that the artist could possibly be singing the song herself which drew their attention to the video however when the video strike into the narrative performance, the scene did not approach them well as the audience thought it was dull and boring because not a lot was happening for the them to follow or to be attracted and interested in, therefore the boredom struck them dow overall the video feedback has seen to be a well attempt but with a lot more improvements and action needed, and become something original and different.

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